" All Share "
Items of General Interest

Enjoy Carol Burnett and Jim Nabors

Musical Hijinks!   (Comment below)

This AllShare page provides a way to supply feedback to the webmaster.

This is not a perfect world, unfortunately, and so in an effort to make AllShare flexible enough to meet everyone's expectations when visiting a web page, the webmaster is asking you for your time in providing feedback on this page. In addition to how the content of this page meets your satisfaction, it would be helpful to know a little about your specific environment. This includes knowing what Windows version and platform you use (Mac, Dell, ??), what browser you use (Internet Explorer (IE), Firefox, Opera, ???) and what mail handler you use by default (GMail, Outlook, Yahoo!, ???). Given problem awareness, or the absence of them, helps the webmaster solve issues for you and others who share your configuration. Thank you very much for the time and effort you put in to your feedback. It is very much appreciated!

Webmaster - Miscelpage

Author: You Tube
Submitted by: JB Moss,30 June 2014

Listening Tip - Viewing YouTube - Sometimes limited bandwidth causes streaming video to stop, buffer, start, then stop again. I don't know about you, but I find this annoying. To ease the frustration, I've found that by pausing the video for a bit (perhaps as long as a minute or two), then clicking on Play, permits watching a smooth performance. It works for me, and I hope the pause technique works for you, too, if you experience this annoying stop, and start, and stop while watching the videos on this page.
~ Webmaster,   Miscelpage
More at " All Share Home Page "
Items of General Interest


    Provide your name and after  commenting press the Post Comment button once.

From time to time eMails are shared which contain photographs and/or other material. These messages tend to take a lot of bandwidth ~ send and receive time for these messages tends to be excessive. If you have such a message you'd like to share, and the message is not religion specific, does not relate to a specific political party, person, or issue, is without profanity and does not demean, perhaps it is a candidate for inclusion in 'All Share'. Contact MiscelPage to have your Bandwidth-Saving eMail Message considered for inclusion here. Content acceptability and longevity is at the sole discretion of Miscelpage, which accepts all responsibility for format and presentability and no responsibility for authentic reproduction of the original eMail message.

Each shared item is ascribed to the submittor (not necessarily the author) and the date submitted. If you know the author, credit is given.

The AllShare experience was designed to provide you with a way to display those messages that keep circulating, the emails that contain the cute graphics and messages that you just know everyone should see. By contacting Miscelpage and including the message you wish to share, that message can be placed on a web page (such as this one) and rather than send the lengthy message to your friends, you can simply send the link to your AllShare page. This saves bandwidth - that lengthy send/receive process that drags down your PC while you wait to send or receive those lengthy messages - plus it provides a way for you to receive credit for having submitted your entry to the AllShare archives. Credit is always given to the author of a message, if known, and definitely to you, the submitter.

MiscelPage Design Content is Proprietary

01582 hits since June 30, 2014