2. Do you currently have a logo and/or image that you
want to incorporate into the web site?
If you do have a logo, is it available to us in digital
format (.JPG, .GIF., .TIF)?
Yes, available in digital
No, must be scanned
If you do not have a logo, do you want MiscelPage to design
one for you?
3. Do you have photos you want included?
If so, are they available to us in digital format (.JPG,
.GIF, .TIF, etc.)?
Yes, available in digital
No, must be scanned
Combination Approximately how many photos?
4. What colors do you prefer? Do you lean toward warm colors (red, pink, orange, yellow, brown) or cool colors (blue, green, purple, lavender, black)? Do you prefer a softer, pastel look, or bright, vibrant colors? Earth tones? Neutrals (grays, taupe, white, beige)? Please describe, in as many words as you like, your preferences and ideas for your color scheme.
5. Describe, in as many words as you like, the nature of your business.
6. Describe, in as many words as you like, what you intend this web site to do for your business. Do you want to use it to attract clients? Sell products and services via an on-line store? Provide useful free information? Be a resource for others? Become well known in a particular industry? Promote a business idea, charity, public service, or an association? Knowing what you expect from your web site will help us create a functional design for you, so take some time to clarify your expectations.
7. Describe, in as many words as you like, your target audience. Who are they? Are they current clients or new clients? What might they be looking for on your web site? What types of clients do you want to attract? It's important to be clear on who your audience is, so we can design the most workable solution.
8. Do you favor a conservative, very 'quiet' image? Masculine or feminine image? Fun and playful? Bright and colorful? Soft and restful? Give us a description of the image you want to project.
9. Do you want animation effects on your web site, such as: buttons that look like they've been "clicked", quote of the day, scrolling marquee, etc.? Describe the animation effects you'd like to see.
10. Do you currently have a domain name for your web site (e.g., "www.mysebsite.com" or "www.geocities.com/mywebsite")? If so, list the domain here.
If you do not have a domain name, please list your top 3 choices for domain names here, so we can check into availability.
11. Do you currently have a web-hosting provider?
If so, please provide the following contact information for your provider:
Do you want MiscelPage to recommend or help you locate a provider?
12. Can you give us the web addresses for other web sites you particularly like, and tell us why you like them? This will help us get an idea of your tastes and what you might be looking for.
13. What is your timeframe for completing this project? Give us an approximate target date.
14. Do you currently have the content/text of the web site written and readily available in electronic format, or do you need to write the content or have someone else do so? (If the content is not ready to go today, this will impact the deliverable date and possibly the price. You may want to complete most or all of the content BEFORE asking us for a quote.) Please select one response below to describe your readiness with your site content.
The content is 100% ready and available in 100% electronic format.
The content is 100% ready, but in paper format only.
The content is 100% ready, and is in some combination of electronic or printed format.
The content is 50% or more complete.
The content is barely started or does not exist at all.
15. Will portions of your website require frequent updating on a weekly or monthly basis? Features such as calendars/schedules, daily quotes, and so on do require that arrangements be made to perform regular site maintenance. Please indicate your expectations of web site maintenance by selection one of the options below.
I will require weekly or monthly updates to my site and will want MiscelPage to handle the updates.
I will require weekly or monthly updates to my site and will handle the updates myself or have someone other than MiscelPage do them.
I will probably only require updates a few times a year and will contact MiscelPage if I want assistance with the updates.
16. Additional information. If you have additional information to share with us regarding your ideas for your web site, please provide this information below.